
My friend John McHugh

Evidence Appearing





Evidence Appearing

   It was a 2" by 2" square wooden plaid with orange writing that read, TRUST JESUS.

It looked as if someone had the sign professionally made and then took a really big nail and hung it on a tree on the side of the highway.

At that very moment LAN Centre Setup, all of the stress that I was feeling disappeared.

The reason I was stressing so much is I had forgotten to trust Jesus.

I'm sure you are familiar with those feelings. The feeling of stressing yourself out because you forgot to trust Jesus. You want more than anything to take that leap of faith and find a job or career that will fit God's purpose for your life, your calling. But you are afraid to make the first step.

Fear is holding you back from following your dreams and desires.

Someone once said FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. This is so true.

The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind electric motor ac."

When we allow fear, which is not from God, to take control of us, we stress. But, God did not give us the spirit of fear therefore FEAR is false.

Whenever you feel fear starting to creep in, remember to TRUST JESUS.

Trust that He has a purpose for your life and that if you are not happy with what you are presently doing, then you aren't following HIS purpose.

Trust that making changes will be difficult and at times, frustrating, but always be mindful that you will be doing God's work.

Trust that everyone will not see the vision you see, but be mindful that God has a calling for you and you must fulfill that calling.

Here's an action point: Write both FEAR = False  Real and 2 Timothy 1:7 on two different pieces of paper. Then on another piece of paper, write in big orange letters, the words TRUST JESUS.

Post these saying somewhere you will see it everyday. Post it on the headboard of your bed; next to the mirror in the bathroom; on the visor of your car; on your desk at work.

Read these every day, several times a day--anytime you feel fear of stress coming down on you, take it out and read it.

If you do it often enough math concept, you will learn to always TRUST JESUS and fear and stress will not exist in your life.

Trust Jesus and nothing will hold you back from discovering God's purpose for your life.

Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, author and life coach who teaches how to discover God's purpose for your life and incorporate it into a lucrative



No Name Ninja
